Thousand Islands | Pulau Seribu Tourism

Vacation at Thousand Islands | Pulau Seribu Tourism

Diving at Pulau Seribu
Diving at Pulau Seribu

Thousand Islands or Pulau Seribu is an archipelago consisting of sandy islands and rocky islands. Thousand Islands is located in Indonesia, specifically in the North Jakarta.
Thousand Islands into a tourist destination of the travelers who want to enjoy the beauty of the beach, the beauty of the sunset, the beauty of the sunrise and of course the natural beauty of the underwater. To enjoy the beauty of the underwater world, the travelers can conduct Diving or Snorkeling.

Thousand Islands travel can be with just a one day trip (1 day trip) or if you want to stay, provided Cottage Island Resort and Home Stay at the Island population. For Island Resort, Island facilities that already has a standard luxury resort hotel and offers greater convenience, be it from his Cottage, Restaurant, Karaoke Room, and much more, because this is for the Island Resort Private or only in dedicated to the visiting tourists.